George Bischoff
Born: January 1st, 1970
Died: August 12th, 1904
George Bischoff passed away at 8:30 last evening at his home No. 512 South Street. The old gentleman had been failing for some time and his death was not unexpected, but he will be missed nonetheless. George Bischoff was a native of Bavaria and was 78 years of age. He came to the United States when a young man and had made Burlington his home for more than fifty years. He was honest and industrious. Until his last illness confined him to his home he worked at his trade of wagon maker. For many years he had a shop on Jefferson Street, just west of Central Avenue.; He was a well-read man, possessed of a large fund of miscellaneous information, quiet and retiring, always even-tempered and kind. He was fond of nature, of plants, and flowers and was successful in a small way as a bee farmer. He was one of the oldest members of the Zion German Evangelical church and among the member of the flourishing congregation as elsewhere he enjoyed the respect and confidence of all. While he never played a very prominent part in the community, he played well the part that fell to him and the city loses a good citizen in his death. He is survived by the widow and several sons and daughters.
The funeral of the late George Bischoff was held yesterday afternoon at 2:30 from the family residence, No. 523 South Street. The home was crowded with friends and the casket was covered with beautiful flowers and floral designs. Rev. Erdmann of Zion’s German Evangelical church paid the departed a most worthy tribute. Probably no one member of the congregation has been a more faithful and consistent church member than was George Bischoff. He has been a member of the official board for many years and it has only been within the last year that he has been compelled to give up the duties and allow his name to be placed on the honorary list. Only words of praise could be said for the departed friend, who will be missed. A quartet, composed of Miss Amelia Kaufer, Miss Alma Biklen, Chas, Webmeier, and Fred Schiltz, sang most feelingly several beautiful hymns. The pallbearers were Martin Gutekunst, CH Biklen, L. Scholl, Chris Hauber, JH Dustmann and George Kriechbaum. The remains were laid to rest in Aspen Grove. Those who came from other cities to attend the funeral were: Mrs. Arthur Bischoff, of Santa Fe, New Mexico; Mrs. Frank Populiska, of Keokuk; Mrs. Henry Wilson, of West Point; Mrs. Rothenberg, of Wapello.