Anna Berges
Born: August 6th, 1881
Died: April 23rd, 1904
A large circle of friends relatives and acquaintances mourn the death of Miss Anna Berges, who was called to the beyond at an early hour yesterday morning. Deceased was born at Wheeling, 22 years ago, and had spent the major portion of her young life in this city. Some two years ago, she suffered an attack of the grippe, which resulted in lung trouble. A few days ago, it became apparent that the end was near. She passed away quietly and peacefully. The deceased is survived by the parents, Rev. and Mrs. JD Berges, six brothers, and three sisters all residents of the city. The funeral will take place at 2 o’clock Monday from the family residence, at 2020 Sunnyside Ave.
Another clipping says:
Anna Berges, daughter of Rev. JD Berges, a retired minister, died at the home of her parents No. 2020 Sunnyside at 2 o’clock this morning. She was born in Wheeling, Minn., twenty-two years ago, and came to Burlington with her parents last year. For a short time during her residence in the city, she was a popular employee at the Miss Williams millinery store on Jefferson street.
For several months deceased had been ill and during the past few weeks, her condition rapidly grew worse. She was a good Christian and her greatest pleasure was in doing acts of kindness for her brothers and sisters or friends. Her early death will be mourned by a large circle of friends and acquaintances.