Charles Emil Baumle
Born: June 21st, 1910
Died: March 4th, 1958
Charles Emil Baumle died Tuesday night, March 4, at his home in Stamford, Conn. He was the son-in-law of Mr. & Mrs. Neal Ekdale of 423 North Third Street.
A native of Burlington, Baumle was born June 21, 1910, the son of Mr. and Mrs. Emil Baumle. His father was a member of the Baumle-Anderson Jewelry company.
Baumle attended the Burlington High School and college and Northwestern University. On Feb. 26, 1935, he was married to Mary Edith Ekdale at Christ Episcopal Church of Burlington. They moved to Chicago in 1938. Their daughters, Martha and Christina, were born in Chicago.
Besides his wife and daughters, Baumle is survived by his mother, who made her home with the Baumle family, and two sisters; Mr. Ruth Westermann, Washington, DC, and Mrs. Lucille Gillette, of Cedar Falls.
More distant relatives include an uncle, Herman Baumle, and a sister-in-law, Mrs. Martha Ekdale Conrad, both of Burlington. His father died previously, as did a sister, Sophie Baumle.
Last rites will be conducted at Trinity Episcopal Church, Stamford, at a date to be announced. The body will then be brought to Burlington for burial in Aspen Grove cemetery.
Saturday afternoon, at 2:00 pm at Prugh chapel, will be the funeral services for Mr. Baumle. Rev. Mr. E. William Strauser will officiate. Interment will be in Aspen Grove Cemetery. The body will arrive in Burlington late Friday afternoon.