Ralph J. Basquin
Born: January 1st, 1970
Died: May 15th, 1980
Ralph J. Basquin, 56, of 348 Ordnance Ct., died in Burlington Medical Center at 12:50 pm Thursday, May 15.
He was born in Davenport May 8, 1924, to Ralph and Lenning Nading Basquin. He married Billie Hunter here Sept 21, 1945.
Basquin, a citizen’s band radio operator whose “handle” was “Pinecone”, was a retired truck driver for Big River Lumber Co. and a WWII Army veteran.
Surviving: the wife; two sons, Ralph Jr., Glenwood, and Roger, Sperry; five daughters, Sandy Huxley, Linda Allen, and Dodi McCollum, all of Oakville, Debbie Senn, Sperry, and Norma Basquin, at home; brother Ray, Memphis, Tenn.; three sisters, Myrtle Denning, Augusta, Blondie Kendall, Sperry, and Dorothy Davis, Burlington; four grandchildren.
Funeral will be Monday at 1:30 pm at Prugh’s chapel. Rev. Gordan Snider; Aspen Grove Cemetery.