James M. Baker
Born: February 4th, 1904
Died: April 26th, 1983
James Malcolm Baker, 79, of 1400 S. 15th died at Elm View Care Center Tuesday, April 26.
He was born Feb. 4, 1904, to William and Katherine Leahy Baker at Leon, where he married Thelma Orfield Nov. 14, 1939.
A Winegard Co. retiree, he was a WWII veteran and member of Leon VFW post.
Surviving; his wife, a son, LeRoy, Burlington; three daughters, Joan Edgington and Jean Penick, Osceola, and Doris Banister, Bethany, Mo.; four sisters, Marjorie Johnston, Des Moines; Mildred Scott, Centerville; Kathryn Winchester, West Covina, Calif., and Pauline William, Havana, Ill.; a brother, Kenneth, Redding, Calif.; 18 grandchildren and 17 great-grandchildren.
Funeral: 10:300 am Friday, Sheagren Funeral Home, the Rev. Roy Yates; Aspen Grove Cemetery. A memorial has been established to the Des Moines County Conservation Board.