Henry Oetken Kohrs
Born: May 8th, 1893
Died: September 26th, 1971
Henry Oetken Kohrs, 78, of 903 Ash street, was stricken at 10 a.m. Sunday, Sept. 26, and was dead on arrival at Burlington Memorial hospital. He was born at Burlington on May 8, 1893, the son of Henry and Dorothea Oetken. His mother died at his birth, and he was reared by foster parents, Mr. and Mrs. Chris Kohrs, whose name he took. Mr. Kohrs was identified with the sales department of Chittenden & Eastman Co. for more than half a century, retiring in 1960. He was a member of Oak Street Baptist church, past commander of the local American Legion and the Hawkeye Natives, and was a 50 year member of Patriot Masonic lodge. He served in the U.S. Army in World War I. Mr. Kohrs married Eda E. Lohmann in Burlington on Aug. 28, 1917. Surviving: The wife; two daughters, Mrs. Helen Griffiths of Keosauqua and Mrs. Dorothy Kuepper of Burlington, three grandchildren and two sisters, Gertrude Oetken of Algona and Mrs. Alma Fehseke of Burlington. Funeral: Prugh's Chapel at w p.m. Tuesday, Rev. John Ziegler; Aspen Grove cemetery.