Frank G. Andre
Born: January 1st, 1970
Died: May 20th, 1916
Frank G. Andre, a well known Burlingtonian, passed away at St. Francis hospital after a brief illness Saturday morning. He was born in Burlington January 31, 1869, and had always lived here. He was educated in the public schools and had been engaged in the grocery trade on his own account since his twenty-second year. He was a successful business man because he was honest and had solved the problem of winning and holding trade. He was married to Miss Sadie Huffman, April 26, 1884, and the happy union was blessed with three children, Leslie, Robert and Lillian, who mourn with the mother. Mr. Andre is also survived by three brothers and many other relatives and a wide circle of friends and acquaintances will hold him in kindly remembrance. He was long prominent in local Odd Fellow circles and there and in the Grocers' association and wherever he was known, the man will be missed.
The funeral will be held Monday morning at 10 o'clock with services at the home, No. 1212 South Tenth street. Friends are invited to the services at the home. The interment will be private.