C. Marcella Carlson
Born: January 4th, 1921
Died: May 16th, 1983
Mrs. C. Marcella Carlson, 62, Marshalltown, died Monday, May 16, in Des Moines. She was born Jan. 4, 1921, to Charles and Anna Shullaw Price, in Burlington, where she married the late Raymond Carlson. She left Burlington in 1970. moving to Marshalltown to become Civil Defense director. She had been identified with Des Moines County's CD agency. Surviving: Son Charles and daughter Rita Carlson, both of Des Moines; brother Orrin Price, Horseshoe Bend, Ark.: and two grand-children. Funeral: 1:30 p.m. Thursday, Pursel-Davis Funeral Home, Marshaltown, Committal: Aspen Grove Cemetery after at Sheagren Funeral Home. An American Cancer Society memorial has been established.