Evelyn E. Anderson
Born: July 15th, 1901
Died: May 11th, 1983
Services for Mrs. Evelyn A. Anderson, 81, of 1850 Sunnyside, who died Wednesday, May 11, will be held at Messiah Lutheran Church at 10:30 a.m. Monday, the Rev. Donald hoornstra officiating. Burial will be in Apen Grove Cemtery. A memorialfor messiah Church has been established at lunning Chapel.
Mrs. Anderson was born july 15, 1901 to John and Emilea Granatt Anderson, in Burlington, where she married Robert Charles Anderson on June 30, 1925.
She was a member of Mesiah Church, OESm white Shrine, Daughteres of the Nile Club, King's Daughters, Hospital Auxiliary, and Iowas Council of Republican Women.
A May Queen at Burlington High School, she was said to have been the first Burlington young woman tobe offered a motion-picture contract. She declined.
Surviving: The husband; son Robert L., Moline, Il; daughter Lucia E. Moore, Davenport; and four grandchildren.,