Eric Albert Anderson
Born: June 21st, 1888
Died: April 3rd, 1972
Eric A. Anderson, 83, of 539 S. Leebrick died in Burlington memorial hospital Mody, April 3. Mr. Anderson operated Eric Anderson Jewelry Co. for 27 years andupon retirement joined the staff of Rapp jewelry Co.
A veteran of WWI, he was the oldest member of the American Legion Drum-and-Bugle Corps, which he served as drummer to the time of his death.
He was a member of Messiah Lutheran church and served as RAinbow Dad for 22 years, retireing last month. He was also a member of Des Moines Lodge No 1, AF&AM, Zerubbabel Council No. 22, RS&M; St. Omer Commandery No 15, KT; Kaaba Shrine; E.C. Blackmar Chapter no 306, OES; Palestine Shrine: VFW; American Legion; 40&8 club, and Elks lodge.
Mr. Anderson was the last surviving charter member of the American Drum-and-Bugle Corps, oldest such unit in Iowa. He served it as drummer until the time of his death.
He was also a past watchman of the Shepherds of Palenstine Shrine and was a member of the Eagles lodge; Iowa Chapter No 1 RA&FM and Davenport Consistory, Scottish Rite.
Mr. Anderson was born June 21, 1888, in Burlington. He married the late Anna Swanson in Burlingotn on June 30, 1925.
Surviving: Daughter, Mrs. Shirley Carlson, Burlington; two sisters, Mrs Elsie Luth and Mrs. Evelyn Anderson, both of Burlington, and four grandchildren.
Funeral: Messiah church at 2 p.m. Thursday, Rev Clyde Norrgard; Aspen Grove cemetery with military rites at the graveside. A Masonic service will be held at Sheagren funeral home at 7:30p.m. Wednesday. A memorial to Mr. Anderson has been established at Messiah church.