Jack Herman Weiser
Born: February 20th, 1920
Died: March 28th, 1921
The Sudden and violent illness of four young children, in Burlington who were attacked by convulsions, Sunday and Monday bas aroused a suspicion among Burlington physicians, that dyes, to color Easter
candies, may contain poisonous elements. One child, Jack Weiser, the year old son of Hugo Weiser; 1020 South Fourth street, died in convulsions Monday morning, and the attending physician said, that in the death certificate, he would state that death was due to "convulsions due to poisoning." This doctor states that the candy eggs may have been colored with analine dyes and may have been poisonous. Another Burlington physician. who had three child patients suffering from convulsions, Sunday and Monday does not say that candy Easter eggs was responsible for their illness but said "The cases are certainly suspicious." Thisphysician saw the Weiser baby and learned that the child had sucked the coloring matter from two candy eggs. The child. however. was teething. and may have suffered from acute indigestion. brought on by its diet. it was stated. The manager of a Burlington store, where candy eggs were sold, deciares that miIlions of eggs are distributed by the large candy company that supplies his store. "If there was a poison in the eggs there would be hundreds of sick children here in Burlington. Since great quantities of the candy eggs were used. Practically all candy Easter eggs come from the same source" he said "They are made by the largest candy organization in the United States." This man offers to have a Chemical analysis made of any candy eggs, brought to him. by the authorities of the Iowa university and abide by the chemist's decision.