Lauren C. Bone
Born: January 1st, 1899
Died: April 6th, 1917
Word was received here yesterday afternoon of the death of Lauren C. Bone at Logansport, Ind. Although he had not been in robust health for several months, his health had so improved recently as to permit his making a visit to relatives and the news of his sudden passing away comes as a great shock to his grandparents here, Mr. and Mrs. Matt Dear, and his aunt, Miss Birdie, Dear, with whom he made his home.
Lauren Bone was born in Burlington, January 1, 1899, and had spent the greater part of his life here. His mother preceded him in death some seven years ago. He is survived by his father, B.A. Bone, of Longsport, Ind., and his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Al Bone, of Galesburg, Ill.
Funeral services will be held from his home at 930 Valley Street, Monday afternoon at 2:00 and at Bethany Lutheran church at 2:30. Friends are invited to these services.