Anna M. Bone
Born: August 14th, 1879
Died: October 19th, 1909
At the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Matt Dear, Mrs. Anna M. Dear-Bone died yesterday afternoon at 4:10. For four months the deceased suffered with tuberculosis of the throat, and her end, although sudden did not come unexpectedly to her many friends. Mrs. Bone was well aware of her condition, but to the very last she lived in hopes of recovery. She was a member of Bethany Evangelical Lutheran Church and a faithful adherent to the faith which during her sickness gave her much consolation and support. Mrs. Bone was a stenographer at the Burlington Biscuit Co. and was a trusted employee. The departed was of an amiable disposition and was a favorite in her circle of associates. She was 30 years of age. Aside from her youth, her departure is a cause of sorrow, especially since she had just lately entered upon a career that promised success and warranted her future free from care. The mourning family are Mr. and Mrs. Matt Dear, Miss Birdie Dear, and Lauren Bone, the 11-year-old son of the deceased.