John Weichart
Born: February 11th, 1871
Died: January 18th, 1946
Funeral services for John Weichart, who died Friday, will be held at 2 p.m. Monday at the Burnett-Wallen funeral home and burial will be in Aspen Grove cemetery. Weichart was born in Austria-Hundary, Feb. 11, 1871 and had been a resident of Burlington most of the time since coming here when 18 years old. He participated in the school-land rush in Oklahoma, did farming and carpenter work. He married Rose Rotter in Burlington in 1892. Surviving are 3 daughters, Mrs. John Eckhardt, Illinois City, ill., Mrs. Clarence Simmons, Arkansas City, Kans., and Mrs. Robert Esterling, Oklahoma City, Okla.; one son, John Weichart, Pontiac, Mich. His wife and 2 daughters are dead.