Louise Wehmeier
Born: August 7th, 1859
Died: October 24th, 1920
Miss Louise Wehmeier, a lfie resident of Burlington, passed away Sunday morning at 9:30 o'clock in the family residence, 215 Starr avenue, where she was born sixty-one years ago. She was the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wehmeier and was born in Burlington August 7, 1859, being 61 years old at the time of death. Miss Wehmeier was an active member of the Bethany Lutheran church for a number of years and had a multitude of friends in Burlington who will mourn her passing with deep regret. Her father, Fred Wehmeier, passed away ten years ago, and her mother, Mrs. Catherine Wehmeier, resided with her on Starr avenue. Besides her mother she leaves one brother, Ferdinand Wehmeier, of Spokane, Wash. The funeral arrangements will be made after the arrival of the brother from the west.