Cora Elizabeth Wegener
Born: October 21st, 1864
Died: April 27th, 1935
Mrs. Henry Wegenr, wife of the former city streets department commissioner, died at her home, 928 Valley street, this morning after an illness of only a few days. A life resident of this city, she was born Oct. 21, 1864. Before her marriage she was Cora Elizabeth Smith, daughter of William and Mary Smith. She was a member of First Methodist church and of the Hawkeye Natives society. Mr. Wegener is a widely known Burlington cigar maker and member of the Cigar Makers union, and served several terms on the city council. Surviving besides her husband is a daughter, Mrs. S.G. Shaffer, Dallas, Tex., a brother, Frank B. Smith, Burlington and two grandchildren. Funeral services have not been arranged, The body is at Prugh's chapel.
Funeral services for Mrs. Cora Wegener, wife of Mr. Henry Wegener, who passed away April 29, 1935, at 0:30 a.m., will be held at Prugh's chapel, Wednesday afternoon at 3:30 o'clock. Rev. J.F. Boeye will officiate. Friends invited. Interment will be in Aspen Grove cemetery.