Andrew Weber
Born: January 1st, 1970
Died: August 2nd, 1888
Andrew Weber, the well known butcher, employed for several years with Steinbrecher, Dehn & Lau, had not been very well for several days, but against the advice of his friends, he went to the barbecue, riding a horse in the procession and after arriving at the park, stood at the gate in the sun for over two hours, taking tickets. About 4 o'clock he fainted from the effects of the heat. He was taken to a quiet corner of the park and physicians were hastily summoned. Everything possible was done for him, and at seven o'clock he was taken in a carriage to his home on North Fourth street, where he died about two hours later. From the time he fainted he was unconscious. His wife was with him at the park and afterwards, and was almost distracted with grief. It was a sudden and sever blow to her, and she has the deepest sympathy of many friends in her great bereavement. Andy Weber was a quiet and industrious man, without an enemy in the world, but with numerous friends who were inexpressibly shocked by his sudden death. The funeral will be announced tomorrow.