Frank Raymond Watson
Born: January 30th, 1884
Died: July 10th, 1896
This morning about 10:30, while little Ray Watson was playing on the log rafts near the Cascade mill, he fell into the water and was drowned. several larger fellows at the time were diving for muscle shells, and he was sitting on the logs watching them. it seems that none of the boys saw him fall into the water, and did not know what had become of him until they heard his cries, and they being in the water at the time, were unable to swim fast enough to save him. He came up three times and then disappeared. He had fallen into the water earlier in the morning at about four feet from where he drowned, but succeeded in getting out al right. A young boy by the name of Decline carried the sad news to the distracted mother and she immediately notified Coroner Unterkircher, who, with a force of men proceeded to the place of the drowning and with grappling hooks are now at work trying to recover the body. This lad was only 13 years of age, and was a son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Watson, who reside on South Main street. His father, Mr. Watson, is one of the most popular conductors in the service of the Burlington Route. He had just left home this morning on his regular trip south and the sad news of the drowning of his son reached him at Moulton, Mo., at 12:10 o'clock, at which place he immediately left his train and is expected to reach here by 4 o'clock this afternoon on a special engine. Ray was a bright little fellow, of a studious nature, and this spring had graduated from the Prospect Hill school and would have entered the High school this fall, and on account of his bright and amiable disposition was a general favorite among all his playmates and those with whom he came in contact. This is the first accident of drowning that has occurred so far this season in this city, and should be a warning to young lads and older ones also, about bathing or playing in the river.