Frank Derick Watson
Born: March 20th, 1853
Died: March 29th, 1918
Frank D. Watson died at 6 o'clock last evening at his home, No. 800 South Garfield avenue. During nineteen weeks he had been a patient sufferer and the end came just ten weeks to the day after the death of his beloved wife. The funeral will be held from the family home, Sunday afternoon at 4 o'clock. Friends are invited to these services. The interment in Aspen Grove will be private. Frank D. Watson, known on the road to his many friends as "Curly", was born at Oshkosh, Wis. March 20, 1863, and came to Burlington when but thirteen years of age. He went to work for the Burlington route in 1872 and helped build the Kansas City line. he had a record of forty-five years of continuous service and was held in high esteem by everybody on the road and all those who had come to know him. His genial disposition, his kindness and courtesy had endeared his to all. Frank D. Watson was married to Miss Ella Hannum, of near Sperry, November 10, 1881, and the happy union was severed by her recent death. He is survived by his daughter, Mrs. Fred Niemeyer, and a grandson, Jack Warr; also by his aged mother, Mrs. Elizabeth Watson, a brother, Herbert Watson, of Omaha, Neb., and a sister, Mrs. Will Boger, of Los Angeles, California. During many years Mr. Watson had been in charge of train No. 31 on the "K" line, and he will be missed along that line, as wherever he was known. He was an old and faithful member of the Order of Railway Conductors and the First M.E. church of Burlington loses a valued member in the death of this faithful man.