Fred Phelps Washburn
Born: August 4th, 1852
Died: August 5th, 1922
Conductor Fred P. Washburn, who celebrated his seventieth birthday anniversary Friday and was retired on a pension by the Rock Island railroad, died suddenly this morning in his home, 312 South Garfield avenue. He was in apparent good health Friday when he made his last trip on the C.R.I. and P. from Cedar Rapids to Burlington and received many double congratulations Friday on the anniversary of his birth and his retirement from railroad service. In his usual good health he arose this morning and ate a hearty breakfast, after which he went out in the front yard to mow the lawn. He had been working but a short time when he called to his wife and complained of pains in his heart. She assisted him to a chair on the porch where he died within a few minutes. Mr. Washburn was born in Muscatine county, Iowa, August 4, 1852. He started to work for the Rock Island railroad forty-eight years and eight months ago. With the exception of a short time with the B., C.R.&N., he remained in the constant employe of the C., R.I.& P. railroad. Conductor Washburn was well known all along his route from Burlington to Cedar Rapids. His congenial nature, and other admirable characteristics developed a multitude of friends for the veteran railroad man. Aside from being a member of the Brotherhood of Railway Conductors he was prominent in Masonic fraternities, being a member of the Malta lodge, A.F. and A.M., the Knights Templar and the Kaaba Temple of the Mystic Shriine of Davenport, Iowa. Besides his wife, he leaves three sons, Fred P. Washburn, Dr. Arthur M. Washburn and DeWitt Washburn, of Chicago; one daughter, Mrs. E.K. Clark, of Chicago; a brother, Frank Washburn, and a sister, Mrs. H.S.Hurlbut, both of Muscatine. Funeral arrangements will be made later.