Charles W. Warth
Born: March 1st, 1889
Died: December 8th, 1944
Charles W. Warth, 419 S. Third street, died at 7:45 a.m. Friday at Mercy hospital after an illness of 6 months. He was born in Burlington March 1, 1889 and was a life resident. He was a member of St. Patricks Catholic church and the brotherhood of railroad trainmen. Surviving are 2 daughters, Mrs. Mildred Dunn of Little Rock, Ark., and Dorothy Warth of Los Angeles; 2 brothers, Max and William Warth of Burlington; 4 sisters, Mrs. Louise Hanrahan of San Bernardino, Cal., Mrs. Harry Hasson, Mrs. Robert Fritzsche, and Mrs. George Kowski of Burlington. His parents, w brothers and a sister are dead. Funeral services will be held at 9 a.m. Monday at St. Patricks church, preceded by services at 8:30 at Giles funeral home. Burial will be in Aspen Grove cemetery. The rosary will be recited at 7:30 p.m. Sunday at the funeral home.