Jerry Walsh
Born: December 8th, 1841
Died: January 8th, 1889
Jerry Walsh, who died at his home, 204 South Marshall street on Tuesday morning, was an old resident in the city and had a large number of friends here. He was born in Ireland on December 8th, 1841, and came to America with his parents when he was eight years old, settling first in Illinois and shortly after removing to Burlington, where he has since almost continuously resided. He learnt the trade of machinist with Charley Hendry, and worked with him for a number of years, leaving his employ to accept a position in the machine shops of the C.B. & Q. at West Burlington. About six years ago he left here and removed with his family to Cedar Rapids where he was foreman at Whitney's foundry for about a year and a half. He then went into the railway shops there, but after about a year's work he moved back to Burlington, and resumed his old employment in the West Burlington shops, where he worked until about two weeks before his death. He leaves his wife and a daughter about seventeen years of age to mourn his loss. He was always, in the fullest sense of the term, a kind father and a loving husband. He was a lifelong member of the Episcopal Church, and died a Christian. Frank Walsh and Mrs. Griffith, of Kansas City and Thomas Walsh of Galesburg, brothers and sister of the deceased, and his sister-in-law, Mrs. Wm. Walsh, and son, of Mt. Pleasant. were sent for and have arrived in the city. Dr. M.A. Johnson, rector of the Episcopal Church will perform the service at the house at 2 o'clock tomorrow afternoon, and the Washington Odd Fellows. of which deceased was a member, will perform the beautiful burial ceremonies of their society at the grave in Aspen Grove Cemetery. Mr. Walsh was a Master Mason in good standing and that society will probably also attend.