A. P. Bloomquist
Born: January 1st, 1970
Died: November 2nd, 1901
While returning from work at 5:30 last night AP Bloomquist, an old-time employee of the Burlington Lumber Co. was severely injured on the railroad track at the foot of South St. A long string of cars was standing on a siding and Mr. Bloomquist walked around the end of a car, stepping right in front of an approaching switch engine. He was struck by the swiftly moving engine and when picked up by fellow workmen and members of the train crew he was found to be badly injured. Unterkircher’s ambulance was called and Mr. Bloomquist was taken to Burlington hospital. Dr. Little and Dr. Flemming were called to attend the injured man and it was found necessary to amputate the left leg below the knee.
Mr. Bloomquist is an old resident of Burlington and is about seventy years old. He is widely known and respected as an industrious and intelligent man He is a member of Dr. Ludwig Holmes's church.
Mr. Bloomquist’s condition is pronounced most serious and owing to his advanced age but slight hope is held out for his recovery.
Funeral services will be held at 10 a.m. tomorrow in the Swedish Lutheran church over the remains of AP Bloomquist, who died in the Burlington hospital Saturday evening from the effects of injuries received Friday night , when he was run down by a switch engine. He was seventy-six years old, was born in Sweden and came to America for years ago. He leaves a widow and two daughters.