Martha J. Waldo
Born: January 26th, 1835
Died: June 26th, 1904
Mrs. Martha Waldo, passed away at ten o'clock Monday morning at the family home, No. 1517 Grove street. She had been in feeble health for some time and her death was not unexpected. She was a native of the Keystone state and had arrived at the age alloted to man. She came here as a young girl and for almost sixty years this city has been her home. Her husband Lewis W. Waldo, preceded her to the other shore some twenty-five years ago. She is survived by a son William Waldo. Mrs. Waldo was a good woman, a consistent Christian and had long been an active member of the Grace M.E. church. She had many friends and acquaintances in the city and she will be missed and mourned by all who knew her well.