Elsie Catherine Waldin
Born: January 1st, 1970
Died: June 27th, 1893
Mrs. G.H. Waldin died suddenly this morning at seven o'clock at her home on Seventh and Angular streets. Last night she was well and strong, and in the best possible spirits, spending an enjoyable evening with her family. This morning she arose about six o'clock, as was her custom, to superintentend the preparation of breakfast. About 7 o'clock Mr. Waldin came down and found her sitting at a table in the dining room, her body leaning forward and apparently lifeless. A doctor was hurriedly summoned but it was too late. The hearat had stopped its action, and the soul of another good woman had gone to the great beyond. Katherine Haberg was born in Denmark in1861 and was married to G.H. Waldin in this city in 1882. The union was blessed with two children, both boys, one about ten years old and the other three. Mrs. Waldin has never shown any striking indications of any organic trouble, though it was known that her health was not the best. Never the less her death was sudden, and the heartfelt sympathy of the community goes out to the bereaved husband and children.