Letitia Caroline Waite
Born: July 6th, 1845
Died: March 8th, 1928
Mrs. John L. Waite died yesterday morning at 7:10 o'clock at her home, 114 North Woodlawn avenue. She was the widow of the veteran editor of the Hawk-Eye, who preceded her in death four years ago, and was for many years ago, and was for many years herself a member of The Hawk-Eye staff, 'the Hawk-Eye family" as she loved to refer to the organization that had been so much apart of her life and her husband's. She was almost 83 years of age and a native of Des Moines county and her life was closely interwoven with the development of Burlington, especially its religious and civic welfare development. Her death was not unexpected, for it has been known for some time that her frail body was weakening under its burden of years but the news of her passing comes, never-the-less, as a sad blow to those of three generations who have known and loved her. Her activities and interests were many, but so modest and retiring was her disposition and so strong was her dislike for personal prominence, that she will be best remembered for her kindliness of nature, her personal charm and sincere interest in and devotion to family and friends, her church and its Sunday school, and the Young Women's Christian Association. Mrs. Waite's maiden name was Letitia Caroline Williams, She was the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M. Williams, who came to Des Moines county in 1837. Her father, a native of Ireland came to America as a young man and settled in Philadelphia. He was a law student but failing health sent him west and he reached Burlington within four years of the first settlement here. He settled on a farm on the Irish Ridge road and it was there his daughter Letitia was born, July 6, 1845. The family removed to Burlington when she was two years of age and she attended the schools here and was identified with Old Zion church and its activities while still a child. This religious affiliation she retained thru her long life to her own great pleasure and comfort and to the benefit of many who thus came in contact with her. She was married September 2, 1864 to John L. Waite who had come to Burlington, a young telegrapher, as the first superintendent of the telegraph company when its wires crossed the Mississippi. From him she learned telegraphy and became an expert with the key. it is recalled that, before the days of the telephone, a telegraph wire extended from the Waite home and Mr. Waite's office and husband and wife talked with each other to the wonderment of children and friends. So efficient did Mrs. Waite become as a telegraph operator that she was called upon to serve as an instructor in an early school of telegraphy here. Mrs. Waite, always interested in her husband's work and interests, aided him greatly in his earlier years as city editor and later editor of The Hawk-Eye and it was she who conceived the idea of a page devoted to the interests of women and religion when such pages were rare even in the great metropolitan papers. She developed this feature of The Hawk-Eye and so delightful were her essays, "sermonettes" she sometimes called them appearing on her page, that at the request of friends, a number were collected in a little volume entitled "By the Thorne Road" that appeared about twenty-seven years ago and went into a second edition. Robert J. Burdette, framed humorist of The Hawk-Eye and great personal friend of the Waite family as well as co-worker with Mr. Waite on The Hawk-Eye wrote the foreword to Mrs. Waite's delightful volume. Failing health force Mrs. Waite to give up her greatly enjoyed work on The Hawk-Eye some years ago but she never lost interest in the old newspaper and was always one of its most loyal friends and kindly critics. Just as J.L. Waite was one of the organizers of the Young Men's Christian association, so Mrs. Waite saw the good that could come from a similar organization for women and she was one of the first to undertake the work of establishing the Young Women's Christian association in Burlington. She was a charter member of the board of the Y.W.C.A. and served continuously until failing health compelled her to retire from this and other activities. Then in appreciation of her long and valuable service, she was elected an honorary life member of the board. Her interest in the Young Women's Christian association was but one of many evidences of the fact that Mrs. Waite was forever lookin ahead, anticipating future needs. It is recalled at one time she enlisted women of her acquaintance in the public schools of Burlington, long before a Parent-Teacher association was considered. She was interested in suffrage for women, in temperance work, but always in a quiet, kindly way, with deep respect for the views of others. And it was the same with her charities. They were numerous but unostentatious and of Mrs. Waite it may truly be said, she was charitable in thought and speech as well as in deed. Mrs. Waite is survived by her son, Clay M. Waite, and two daughters, Mrs. William H. Davidson and Miss Lola Waite, and two grandchildren, William W. Davidson and Miss Barbara Davidson. Rev. W.H. Spence, pastor of the First Methodist church, will have charge of the funeral service for Mrs. Waite, which will be held from her home Saturday afternoon at 3 o'clock. Interment will be in Aspen Grove cemetery.