Frank A. Wahl
Born: November 30th, 1875
Died: December 13th, 1947
Frank A. Wahl, 72, of 912 Wells street. died Saturday at 12:55 p.m., in St. Francis hospital after being seriously ill since Aug. 1. He was born in Burlington, Nov. 30, 1875, and was a life resident. Nov. 30, 1905, he married Mable Grotewohl in Burlington. He had worked as an upholsterer at the Chittenden & Eastman company for 55 years, was a member of Grace Methodist church and the upholsterers; union. Surviving are his wife; one son, Robert; 3 grandchildren, Robert, Betty and Stella; a brother, George, and a sister, Mrs. Emma Muenzenmeier, both of Burlington. Two brothers and a sister are dead. The body was taken to Burnett Wallen funeral home.