Louis Wagner
Born: March 16th, 1845
Died: December 16th, 1925
Louis Wagner, 80 years old, and a resident for 63 years died at 2 o'clock this morning in the Burlington hosptial. Mr. Wagner was born in Hertschausen, Germany, March 16, 1845, coming to America and direct to Burlington when he was seventeen years old, where he has lived since that time. In 1867 he was united in marriage to Louise Kassel, and to this union were born four children, Henry, of Danville, Iowa, Mrs. William Ruth, of Burlington, Edward, and a fourth child who died in infancy. Mrs. Wagner died in 1877. The second marriage of Mr. Wagner, this time to Miss Louisa Hepner, was soleminized in 1879. Two children were born to the second union, Louis, of Creston, Ia., and Mrs. C. Juengling, of this city, with whom Mr. Wagner made his home until the time of his death. There also survive 15 grandchildren and 6 great-grandchildren. Funeral services will be held Saturday afternoon, at 1 o'clock, from the residence of his daughter, Mrs. C. Juengling, on West avenue and at 2 o'clock from Zion church. Rev. Mr. Erdman will officiate. Burial will be in Aspen Grove cemetery. Friends may view the remains at the Unterkircher funeral home, until Friday afternoon at 1 o'clock.