Conrad Wagner
Born: January 1st, 1970
Died: July 29th, 1915
Conrad Wagner, yardman at the Gilbert-Hedge Lumber Co. dropped dead in the company's building, No. 723 Jefferson street, shortly after noon yesterday. He had been apparently in the best of health and in good spirits. The medical man who was summoned pronounced it a case of apoplexy. Coroner Prugh took charge of the remains. Deceased was about 65 years of age, a strong healthy man. He had been employed in the service of the city during a number of years before going to work for the lumber company. He was held in high esteem by his fellow workers, as well as by those for whom he worked, a good, reliable man. Deceased was a widower and was making his home at No. 417 Whiteman street, He had no children, but a brother, Henry Wagner, lives at New London. He has been summoned and will take charge of the arrangements for the funeral. The funeral will be held from Prugh's chapel at 2:30 o'clock Saturday afternoon, with interment in Aspen Grove.