Frederick C. Wagner
Born: November 18th, 1896
Died: April 6th, 1913
Though an accident, Fred Wagner, sixteen years old, was almost instantly killed about 5 o'clock Sunday afternoon, when his companion Edward Sleeter, fired a 22-calibre rifle, the ball lodging in young Wagner;s heart. The affair happened at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Wagner, No. 1314 North Central avenue. Edward Sleeter is so overcome by the horror of the shooting that he is unable to tell just how it happened. The boy required the attention of a physician, the shock of seeing his friend shot proving a terrible one. Wagner's sister was the only member of the family at home. It seemed the boys were shooting at a mark in the back yard. It is believed the gun was discharged when one of the boys was handing the weapon to the other or else while Sleeter was firing. Physicians who were called found the ball had passed through the heart and that death came quickly. When the Sleeter boy realized he had shot his friend, he beame violent. He was taken to his home in an automobile and it required two men to control the lad. The powerful sedatives were administered, but it was not for some time that the medicine took effect. The boy continually asked to see Wagner. He was not told the latter was dead. His condition was and his sole desire was to see and talk to Fred Wagner. Grave results are feared, but it is hoped that time, with proper rest will serve to erace the remembrance of the accident from the unfortunate boy's mind. The boys had grown up together, and were always great friends. Sleeter is fifteen years of age and is the son of Mr. and Mrs. George Sleeter, No.1416 No. 8th street. He is employed at the Rock Island freight house. Young Wagner was employed in driving a delivery wagon for a North Hill butcher. The two boys had attended the North Oak school before going to work. Chief Willard investigated the affair and was convinced the shooting was entirely accidental. Mr. and Mrs. Sleeter are much disturbed upon their son. In addition to his parents. Fred Wagner is survived by three brothers Walter W., Arthur D., and Edward J. Wagner. Also by three sisters, Mrs. Edward Mower, Carrie and Elsie Wagner. The boy's funeral will take place at 4:15 this (Tuesday) afternoon from the family home. Two brothers of Fred Wagner's died within the past year. Julius and Wm.J. Wagner. Coroner Prugh looked into the case and held there was no need of holding an inquest, as it was plain the shooting was wholly an accident. The shooting was done in the back yard, the ground being low and an embankment makes it a fairly safe place for target shooting. Edwin Sleeter's condition was somewhat improved last night, but it was not considered wise to tell the lad that his friend was dead. No one but the physicians and members of his family have been permited to see him.