Walburga Wagner
Born: July 2nd, 1819
Died: May 29th, 1902
Mrs. Walburga Wagner, who for fifty-six years made her home in this city, passed away suddenly this morning at her home, No. 517 South Central avenue, Mrs. Wagner had not been feeling well for the past three months but when she arose this morning was apparently in passable health. She walked around the yard and passed away the time until about 9 o'clock, when she entered the house and without a moment's warning fell over on the floor and in a few minutes breathed her last. The deceased was born in Wemding, Bavaria, on July 2, 1819 and had she lived until the second of the coming July, would be 83 years of age. She came to this city in the year of 1846, and has made her home here ever since. Her husband died June 18, 1879. He was a veteran of the late civil war. Two children and five grand children survive the deceased. The children are Charles and Edward, both of this city. There was also one daughter, Mrs. John Hassell, but she died about three years ago. The grand children are Clara, Nora and Fred, Charles and Carrie. Mrs. Wagner was kindly woman and during her long residence in Burlington won, many friends by her fine open-hearted disposition. She was a true Christian and a good woman in every way.