Francis Moore Jaggar
Born: July 12th, 1876
Died: August 13th, 1884
The community was startled shortly after four o’clock yesterday afternoon when it was reported that Frank, the only son of Mr. and Mrs. FM Jaggar, had drowned in Third street pond. It seemed impossible that the family so lately afflicted should be called upon to mourn over the loss of a beloved and only son. And yet the sad news was too true. Little Frank, a bright boy of eight, left his home yesterday afternoon and meeting some playmates, proceeded to Third Street pond where the boys engaged in catching minnows. It seems that while the boys were laughing, playing, and catching their game, Frank lost his balance and fell into the pond. The boys who saw him disappear under the water were startled but had sufficient presence of mind to run for assistance. Two or three gentlemen responded to the call of the boys, and the body of the unfortunate boy was rescued from its watery grave after a search of about fifteen minutes. The body was conveyed to the residence of Mrs. Runge, near the scene of the disaster, where Dr. Stone did all within the power of the medical art to resuscitate the lifeless body. It is useless to dwell upon the heart-rending despair and the pain of the mother and father when they learned that earthly power could not restore to them their only son. The entire community feels with them the loss they have sustained, and if heartfelt sympathy can console them even to the slightest degree that consolation is theirs in the fullest measure. The funeral of little Frank will take place from the residence of his parents, No. 925 North Third Street, at two o’clock tomorrow afternoon.