Robert Courtney Waddle
Born: January 4th, 1848
Died: November 1st, 1932
Funeral services for R.C. Waddle, 84, who died at Burlington hospital yesterday morning after a short illness, will be held Friday afternoon at 4 o'clock, with burial in Aspen Grove cemetery. Mr. Waddle was a native of Des Moines county and lived in Burlington for more than 50 years. He was at one time county surveyor and for the past 29 years had been secretary of the Farmers Mutual fire insurance company. He retired from the latter office last January. Robert Courtney Waddle was born in Huron township, Jan. 4, 1848, the son of John and Mary Howery Waddle. He was married to Agnes Hanum, who died 25 years ago. An adopted son, Haynes Hannum of Tulsa, Okla., and two sisters, Mrs. Ella Dancey of near Mediapolis and Mrs. John White of Muscatine, survive. Mr. Waddle was a member of the United Presbyterian church and was active in church work for many years .Last spring he went to Tulsa, Okla., where he remained until August, when he returned to this county to live with a niece, Mrs. Clark Winegart, and Mr. Winegart of near Mediapolis. For the past three weeks he had been living at Dunn's hotel. On the third of last month he went to Prugh's chapel and made arrangements for his funeral, saying that he did not believe he would live long.