Joseph Wachutka
Born: March 1st, 1875
Died: September 22nd, 1933
Joseph Wachutka, 58, proprietor of a sausage factory at 908 Maple street, died in Burlington hospital at 7:45 o'clock this morning as a result of injuries received in a fall at his home, 1155 Dehner street, a week ago. Death resulted from complications resulting from fractures in his spinal column. He is thought to have fallen from a roof and landed on some cement. Mr. Wachutka was born in Austria, March 1, 1875, but has lived in Burlington for 34 years, being engaged in the sausage making business almost the entire time he lived here. He was married in 1900 to Laura Maurer, who died 11 years ago. Surviving are two sons. Carl and Roy Wachutka, two daughters, Mrs. Clara Keever and Mrs. Myrtle Underwood, and four grandchildren, all of Burlington, and a brother and sister in Astria. The body was taken to Unterkircher's funeral home pending arrangements for the funeral.