Hans Beneke
Born: January 1st, 1970
Died: September 26th, 1889
An accident occurred out near the Western Brewery Monday morning as Train No. 6 was pulling into the city from the west. A Dane by the name of Hans Beneke, whose home is in Rock Island, was standing beside that portion of the CB&Q track mentioned and was hit by the incoming train and hurled down the steep embankment where he lay until the men on the work train came along, picked him up and removed him to St. Francis hospital. The physician found that he had sustained a serious compound fracture of the right leg and an ugly-looking scalp wound. He was unconscious up to five o'clock yesterday evening. His injured limb was slpintered and otherwise attended to, but it is thought by the doctor that it will be necessary to amputate it in order to save his life and if he survives this operation will have no further trouble in recovering. He died a few days later.