Andrew F. Wall
Born: May 15th, 1836
Died: April 2nd, 1915
Andrew F. Wall passed away at his home, No. 523 South Eighth street, at 10:30 o'clock yesterday morning. He was born in Sweden, May 15, 1836, and came to Burlington in 1850. Here he learned the trade of a blacksmith and when the war broke out he laid aside the hammer and went to the front as a member of Co.E, of the famous First Iowa regiment. He was at Wilson creek, one of the most hotly contested engagements of the civil war, in which the Iowa regiment took part despite the fact, that their term of enlistment had expired, making them volunteers in the very highest sense of the word. After he left the army he settled down to work at his trade in the big Burlington shops which grew considerably during his time of service and during forty-five years, he worked faithfully and steadily in the blacksmithing department of the corporation, retiring from active labors some ten years ago. On June 26, 1865, Mr. Wall was married to Miss Caroline Johnson, the union proving a very happy one. The good wife preceded the husband to the better land on February 26, 1904. The parents are held in loving memory by the following daughters and a wide circle of friends: Mrs. Clara Linville, at home; Mrs. Robert Castile, of Oxford, Nebr. Mrs. Chas. E. Staff of Union township, Mrs. W.E. Weilep, of Denver, Colo., and Mrs. John Bloom of this city. Mr. Wall was a member of Chas. L. Matthies post of the Grand Army of the Republic and of Burlington lodge No. 2, of the Ancient Order of United Workmen, and among the members of these organizations, as among his old shopmates, and all his acquaintances, the good man will be held in kindly remembrance. Forty-five years of faithful work in one establishment is indeed an enviable record, and one to which all his friends can point with pride. He was surely a good, faithful man, and he was so held by al who knew him. The arrangements for the funeral will be announced later,.