Walter M. Fritzsche
Born: February 12th, 1836
Died: April 2nd, 1909
Walter M. Fritzsche, well known in Burlington and vicinity, passed away yesterday morning at his home, No. 1203 Agency avenue. He suffered a severe fall in January and this was one of the causes of death. He had been confined to his home the past three weeks and it was apparent to his friends that the end was drawing near. Walter M. Fritzsche was born in Gera, Germany, February 12, 1836 and came to this country in 1858, locating in Cincinnati, Ohio. Later he went to New Castle, Ind. where he was deputy auditor. When the war broke out he enlisted in an Indiana regiment. After the war he came to Iowa. While home on a furlough in May 1862, he was married to Miss Jemima Pickerns. of Ashland, Henry county, Ind. Mr. and Mrs. Fritzsche went to Muscatine when coming to Iowa but soon changed their course to Burlington, and this city remained their home. They came here in the spring of 1865. Mr. Fritzsche was an expert penman and accountant and held a number of good positions in the city. For a number of years he was bookkeeper, at the Nelson Hardware house; he had also spent many years in the insurance business and in the employ of the Mississippi Valley Tobacco company. Of late he had been constable in Squire Riepe's court. He was a man widely known and well liked by all who knew him, polite, well informed upon many subjects, courteous and accommodating, he will be missed by many, He was very fond of dogs and other household pets and pointed with pride to his fine flower beds. As a rule his were among the earliest flowers to be found outside of green houses. He was a member of the Sterbekasse Verein and of Matthies Post of the Grand Army of the Republic. W.M. Fritzsche is survived by the widow and two sons, William Fritzsche, of Jonesboro, Ark., and Elias Fritzsche, of Burlington; also one brother, Robert Fritzsche, of Burlington; a sister in Germany, and one granddaughter, Mrs. Hazel Lyons, of this city. The funeral will be held Sunday afternoon at 22 o'clock from the family home on Agency avenue and will be in charge of the G.A.R.