George H Boeck
Born: May 2nd, 1841
Died: October 1st, 1917
After an illness which confined him to bed for several weeks, George Boeck passed away at his home, No. 707 North Third Street, Burlington at 9:20 Monday morning. His final illness had brought no pain and suffering and his end was calm and peaceful. He slumbered away into the other land.
George Boeck was one of the older businessmen of Burlington and had long been prominent in the community. An indefatigable worker, a man of integrity and of good business sense, he was ever interested in all the things that that contributed to the welfare and the upbuilding of the community.
George Boeck was born in GrossBieberau, Hesse-Darmstadt, Germany, May 2, 1841, and came to this country and Burlington in 1857. Like his father before him during many generations, George Boeck had mastered the butcher’s trade and he always looked upon that calling with just pride. Until his retirement a few years ago he followed that trade and led a singularly busy life.
But he was not one to give all his hours to toil and to business. He was a member of the Elks and the Nobles of the Mystic Shrine and had made something of a study of Masonry and had reached the thirty-second degree, and there were few important gatherings of the fraternity in which he did not take part.
Early in his life Mr. Boeck became affiliated with the republican party and never turned his back upon his political first love, but remained true to her to the end of his days.
George Boeck was married to Miss Hanna Roth in 1864, and she survives his with the following children, a son, Edward, having preceded the father to the beyond a year ago: M rs. LC Wallbridge, Mrs. EC Quahn, Albert Boeck, all of this city, and George Boeck, Jr., of San Antonio, Texas. There are four grandchildren. With the mourners, many friends will hold the deceased in kindly remembrance.
Funeral services at the home, on North Third Street at 4 p.m. Wednesday. Friends wishing to pay their respects may call at the home Tuesday afternoon and evening. Funeral and interment will be private.