William A. Young
Born: November 22nd, 1825
Died: November 22nd, 1908
Word was received here yesterday of the death of William A. Young, who passed away Sunday morning in Seattle, Wash. He was one of the old residents of Burlington, but for the past fourteen years has resided in Seattle. William A. Young was born in Allegheny county, PA., November 22, 1825. He married Jane M. Stewart of Pittsburg, October 12, 1852 and three years later came to Burlington. When a young man he learned the carpenter trade, but later he devoted his time and energy to bridge building. He was a lifelong member of the United Presbyterian church. He is survived by four daughters, Sadie E. and Anna M. Young of Seattle, Wash., and Mrs. M.F. Derby and Mabel S. Young of this city.