Jacob Yanaway
Born: January 1st, 1970
Died: December 1st, 1887
About eight o'clock last evening Mr. Jacob Yanaway, one of Burlngton's old settlers, died at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Eli Todd, at the advanced age of eighty-two years and three months. Mr. Yanaway was born in Washington county, Pennsylvania, and came to Burlington in 1847. He was a well known contractor and excavator and grader here for many years, but about fifteen years ago retired from active business to live upon the modest competency which remained to him after his years of toil. His wife died about twenty-five years ago and he was never married again. He was generally respected as an honest, upright, hard-working man and was well known to all the older inhabitants of the city, among whom he was favorably regarded and had many friends. He has two sons and two daughters; Henry Yanaway, living at Salem, Henry county; Chat. Yanaway, the carpenter, of this city; Mrs. Todd, at whose home he died and with whom he had long lived, and Mrs. Todd, of Kansas city, the wife of a brother of the son-in-law residing here. The funeral will probably take place Sunday afternoon.