Arnold Ernest Zurawski
Born: August 21st, 1890
Died: June 9th, 1954
Dr. Arnold Ernest Zurawski, 63, died of a heart attack at 3:15 Wednesday, at his home, 2501 Madison avenue. He had been in apparent good health and was stricken suddenly in his sleep. Zurawski at one time worked in the city assessor's office. He served as district court clerk from Jan. 2, 1943 until his resignation Oct. 18, 1948. Recently, he had been a teller at West Burlington Savings bank. He was a graduate dentist. Born in LeMars, Ia., Aug. 21, 1890, he was the son of John and Louise Sallach Zurawski. Nov. 21, 1932, he married Selma Schaefer of Burlington at Kahoka, Mo. He attended Burlington high school, Iowa Wesleyan college and was awarded a doctor of dental surgery degree from Northwestern university in Chicago. He had practiced dentistry in the Chicago vicinity. Enlisting as a private in World War one, he was discharged with the rank of captain after combat in France. He had been a member of veterans organizations and Masonic groups. From 1909 to 1911 he served as yard inspector and freight rates accountant for the Rock Island railroad in Burlington. From 1921-22 he was vice president and director of the Cook Pharmacy Laboratories in Chicago. He had served as chairman of the soldiers relief commission for Des Mones county and chairman of the first district Iowa Highway Safety commission. Zurawski had been mentioned as a candidate for postmaster here, He was a member of First Methodist church and Eagles lodge. Surviving are the widow; a brother, Arthur, of San Antonio, Tex.; 2 sisters, Mrs. Guy Luthy and Mrs. Florence Bauman, both of Burlington. His parents and a sister are dead. Services will be Saturday at 2 p.m.in Prugh's chapel. Dr. Deane Chapman will officiate. Burial will be in Aspen Grove cemetery.