Mary Louise Zimmerman
Born: January 1st, 1970
Died: August 16th, 1928
Mrs. Herman Zimmerman, widow of a former superintendent on the Burlington Route and long time resident of Burlington, died early yesterday morning at her home in Hannibal, Mo., and her body will be brought here for burial tomorrow, according to announcement today. Her husband died in May of this year and was buried in Aspen Grove cemetery. Mrs. Zimmerman was a native of Switzerland but came to this country in her youth and was a resident of Burlington for many years before moving to Hannibal. She was of a quiet disposition, kindly and gracious and devoted to her home and children. Surviving are two daughters, Mrs. Leslie Miller, of Havelock, Neb., and Theresa Zimmerman, at home, and one son, Herman, of Biloxi, Miss. The remains will arrive in Burlington at 2:30 p.m. Saturday, and burial will be in the family lot in Aspen Grove cemetery.