Johannes A. Zimmermann
Born: September 29th, 1855
Died: October 18th, 1879
Our readers, especially the younger class of them, will be pained to learn the death of John Zimmermann, which occurred at his home, in this city, yesterday morning. After much suffering, "omnibus errandea terris flartibus ocatas,"he has found his last earthly home at last. Eight years ago he went to Switzerland, where he has been ever since, until he returned to look once more upon his dear old mother's face, and die. Last winter he was attacked with a heavy cough which settled into quick consumption. His affection for his mother was intense. He felt that the end of this world was but a short way beyond him; and he yearned for her face, her voice, and her arms. The unconquerable strength of his intial affection kept his body alive until he could be once more with her who was the dearest one to him, of all the world. As his father crossed the sea to bring him to her, she, sick and sore, revived herself to watch and wait for her boy. Last Monday, she pillowed his head again, as she had done when he was a baby. Yesterday, he looked up, for, the last time to the dear face he loved so well and went to sleep. Tomorrow, she will lay him down forever.