John Zimmer
Born: September 1st, 1829
Died: July 31st, 1906
The dead body of John Zimmer, an aged gardener, was found last evening by the neighbors at his home, 416 Oak street. Early in the morning he announced his intention of going out on the roof to clean the pipes which carry off the water. There were a number of hornets nests which he was engaged in dislodgin, when he evidently fell. The ladder by which he gained the roof stood against the side of the building and the broom was still tightly clasped in his hand when found. The body was taken to Unterkircher's morgue. Examination developed the fact that his nieck had been broken by the fall, death evidently happening instantaneous. The dead man was born in Germany and was 76 years of age. He was resident of Burlington for many years and had had charge of the gardens the C.E. Perkins home for some time as he was a skilled gardener. He was a member of the German Zion Evangelical church and was a good man in every respect. A year ago his wife died and he then retired from active work and lived alone at 416 Oak street. Direct relatives survive him.