John Zabloudil
Born: February 20th, 1858
Died: July 25th, 1925
Falling from a ladder at his home, 1207 Osborn street, John Zabloudil, 67, sustained injuries Satuurday afternoon from which he died about an hour later. Funeral services will be held at 2:30 o'clock Tuesday afternoon at the home, in charge of Rev. Robert Neumann. Burial will be at Aspen Grove cemetery. Mr. Zabloudil had been painting the roof of the front porch at his home and was ascending a ladder when he fell headlong to the ground. There were no eye witnesses to the accident, but it is thought probable that the ladder slipped. He suffered a fractured hip, several broken ribs and internal injuries, resulting in his death about an hour later, after he had been removed to Burlington hospital. He was born in Austria, February 20, 1858, and when 17 years old went to Germany. There he married and came to Burlington 36 years ago. He has been steadily employed at the Chittenden & Eastman company for a number of years. Three children, John H. Zabloudil, Mrs. Clara Smucher and Rudolph P. Zabloudil, all of Burlington, survive him and there are seven grandchildren. his wife passed away on March 12. He was a member of the M.W.A. and of the Austrian society.