Andrew Jackson Winders
Born: March 4th, 1829
Died: November 27th, 1904
Another of the older, well-known citizens, whose ranks are thinning fast, received the final summons Sunday. Andrew Jackson Winders was one of the oldest men in the building trades in this city, and had worked on many of the structures to which a former generation was wont to point with pride. Death came without warning. Mr. Winders was spending the afternoon in his quiet home when the messenger reached him. A.J. Winders was a native of Lockport, O., born March 4, 1829, and came to Burlington almost fifty year ago. he was twice married, first to Miss M. M. Heinamon, of Columbus, O., on July 24, 1851. His second wife, whom he wedded March 21, 1860, was Mrs. Mary C. Sellers. One child, Mrs. Alice Krauer, of Marion, O., is the remaining child from his first marriage, while seven from the second union mourn a kind and indulgent father. they are: Mattie A., Ida B., Nettie M. and Grace Winders, of this city; Mrs. Ed Wallace of Omaha; Charles and William Winders, of this city. Mr. Winders has always taken an active interest in Burlington's welfare, and had been a member of the fire department in the palmy days of the volunteer force. He was also a member of a former militia company, and being very fond of outdoor life had long been a member of the North End Boating association. He was a member of the Cumberland Presbyterian church. Until the end he enjoyed almost perfect health. He also enjoyed another rare blessing, the confidence and respect of all who knew him.