Pauline Blaul
Born: November 21st, 1858
Died: September 12th, 1900
This morning shortly after ten o’clock occurred the death at Burlington hospital of Miss Pauline Blaul, after an illness of five weeks. Two weeks ago she was removed to the hospital from her home but continued to grow steadily worse until the end came this morning.
The deceased was born in Burlington and lived at the family home, No. 113 South Sixth Street, with her mother, Mrs. Carolina Blaul, one sister Amelia, and four brothers, John, Charles, Theodore, and Louis. Her father, John Blaul, Sr., a pioneer businessman of Burlington, died in 1885.
The sympathy of the entire community will be extended to Mrs. Blaul and her family in their great bereavement and will share with them their sorrow.
Miss Blaul’s life was one of unselfishness and good deeds, and a wide circle of friends will mourn her death.
The funeral will be held Friday afternoon at 2 o’clock from the residence of Mrs. Carolina Blaul, 113 South Sixth Street. Friends are invited.