Catharine M. Blackburn
Born: January 1st, 1970
Died: April 2nd, 1910
Mrs. Catharine M. Blackburn, seventy-eight years of age, whose home was at No. 1022 North Central Ave, died last night at the Burlington hospital, after being taken there but a few hours before. Mrs. Blackburn had lived in Burlington many years, and her passing away will bring sorrow to many old friends. She was an earnest Christian woman and her life had been one of great usefulness. She was born in Logansport, Ind., coming to Illinois with her parents when but a young girl. Her father was a Methodist minister.
The deceased is survived by one son, George Vance, a ranch owner in Kansas, and by a daughter, Mrs. PC Kiley of Chicago, who was at the bedside of her mother when she passed away. A brother of the deceased, Rev. Mr. Leonard Spicknell, lives in Missouri.
The funeral will be held Monday morning at 10:30 in Unterkircher’s chapel.