Claus Wiedemann
Born: March 25th, 1898
Died: July 10th, 1941
Claus Wiedemann, Phoenix, Ariz., former resident of Burlington and an overseas veteran of World War 1, died Thursday at Parkerdam, Cal., and the body will be brought to Burlington for burial. Wiedemann, 43, was born in Burlington, March 25, 1898. He was a member of the rainbow division in the World war, served overseas, was wounded three times and was gassed twice. He was single. Surviving are his mother, Mrs. Rosella Widemann; four brothers, Martin F. and Albert D. of Burlington, Clarence M. of Seattle, Wash. and Clyde A. of Tellahoma, Tenn.; two sisters Mrs.Alber Ekstrom of Burlington and Mrs. M.S. Culver, Holly, Mich. His father and one sister preceded him in death. The body will arrive here at 5:35 a.m. Sunday. Funeral services will be held at 5 p.m. Monday at the Unterkircher funeral home. Elder C.L. Vories to officiate. Burial will be in Aspen Grove cemetery. The body will be removed to the residence Sunday morning and returned to the funeral home for the services.