Harry Atchison Hall
Born: March 1st, 1888
Died: December 30th, 1920
Harry Achison Hall, son of Dr. L.C. Hall of Burlington, passed away in the Oaks Home hospital in Denver, Colorado yesterday, according to a telegram received by his father late yesterday afternoon. His death followed severe illness of about two months and he passed away just as he had reached a position in the business world which would have gained him added prominence had he lived. Harry Hall was born and raised in Burlington and in the period of his youth and young manhood was one of the most popular and well liked men of the city. he was energetic, a good student, a lover of the outdoors and his desire to "make good" in a business way was realized before he died at the age of thirty one years. Married in 1919 his widow and a three-month old son survive him, and are now in Burlington at the home of his father on Summer street. They came here when it was evident that Harrys illness was one which would be long in remedying even if he lived. While in the military service he suffered an attack of influenza, from which he never fully recovered and which complicated other aliments. Harry Achinson Hall was born in Burlington on March 1, 1888. He was educated in the Burlington Public schools, attending the grades at West Madison school (Perkins) and continued his studies in the high school. There he was prominently identified with athletics, and in various hunting expeditions with his father, he became a good shot with a rifle and shotgun. Following his course in high school he attended the state university of Iowa and was a graduate of the Dental college of the state university. In 1919 he heeded the call of the west and until he died he liked the west. he went to Wyoming and homesteaded for four years near Powell. Completing his homestead he again took up dental work and traveled for a dental supply house in St. Louis, then the Edwards Co. of Los Angeles and later the Harry Eosworth Co. of Chicago. He was with this firm when war was declared. On September 5, 1917 he entered the army and was stationed at Camp Dodge. Here his dental training served both himself and the army well and he was placed in charge of dental supplies at the base hospital for a period of seventeen months. Upon his discharge from the army he again went into Wyoming where he stayed for six or eight moths before proceeding to Denver, Co., where he made his home up to the time of his death. In Denver he interested himself in the motor industry and at the time of his passing was secretary-treasurer of the Miner Motor company of Denver. in May 1919, he was married to Miss Bessie M. Mudd of Powell, Wyoming. To this union one son was born, now about three months old. They are now in Burlington. Harry Hall was a member of the Odd Fellows and was identified with the Beta Theta Pi fraternity. He is survived by his widow and infant son; his father Dr. L.C. Hall of Burlington; one sister, Margaret of Burlington and two brothers, William of Burlington and Charles of Casper, Wyoming. Dr. L.C. Hall and his son, Willliam, left last night for Colorado and will bring the remains back to Burlington. The funeral announcements will be made later.